Is this course right for you and your child?
This course is meant for families with children who wish to achieve improved toileting skills, related to sensory differences. Often, children with sensory differences may also experience challenges related to the mechanics, physiology and habits related to bowel and bladder health. In these cases, it is most beneficial to address the sensory components and the physical components. Look to our other courses to help in the other realms applicable to your child!

This quiz is additionally here to help you determine if this course is a good fit for you!
Answering "no" to any of the question is an indicator that you and your child may benefit from focusing on bowel and/or bladder health first. Taking the "SOS Toileting" or "Bladder Health" course may be a great place to start!

Start Seeing Positive Progress Today!

A compact, easy-to-take 4-week course.
Weekly homework to keep you on task with the things that matter.

Infinite repeats.

 You have access to this information forever.

A $1160 value.

Dr. Caitlin is driven by a mission to help children being challenged in keeping their underwear clean and dry, while also promoting access and awareness of pediatric pelvic health services.

Relocating from Connecticut to Texas, she has found a true sense of home and fulfillment in her career. With a specialization in pediatrics since 2013 and a focus on pediatric pelvic health since 2014, Dr. Caitlin brings a wealth of expertise to her practice. 

From 2014 to 2019, Dr. Caitlin diligently cared for children and women in both inpatient and outpatient settings at Texas Children's Hospital. It was during this time that her passion for pediatric pelvic health flourished, inspiring her to establish Unconstipated Kids in 2020. 

Dr. Caitlin has curated a unique and holistic approach at Unconstipated Kids. Through a combination of continuing education courses across multiple realms including pediatrics, pelvic health, breath work, fascial management, and more, she has innovated a comprehensive whole-body methodology. 

Beyond her professional endeavors, Dr. Caitlin cherishes her roles as a dedicated wife and mother. She has an immense amount of gratitude to her loving and supportive husband, Vince, and their kiddos. 1 Thess 5:16-18

With an unwavering commitment to improving the lives of children and families, Dr. Caitlin stands for best practice within pediatric pelvic health, embodying a compassionate and holistic approach.

Support your child's sensory system to better improve their toileting skills!
Improve your child's toileting, by giving them strategies to address and decrease the impact of sensory dysregulation.

Educating you and your child about toileting health and the rationale behind each technique provided.

A 4 week course, with one lesson per week, each 22-35 minutes in length. Downloadable PDFs, and quizzes all to make the journey more clear and easy to understand.
Financial Investment

Purchasing a course like this is a leap of faith. But please trust us when we say, this course was made from only the best and most effective techniques learned over years of therapy with children in a one-on-one setting. These techniques are what more often led a family towards positive progress.

We want nothing but the best for your family.Be well.

Autism & Sensory Differences Course, $197

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